Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 25- Still Life

Not so happy today. I still consistently have every single student, but the photos are becoming less and less. They said that in the two days they had to do the assignment, there were no sunsets or sunrises. Good one...

I had maybe 2 students from each class turn in assignment photos. I'd also like to update everyone on the naming of the children here in Jalalabad, which I thought everyone would greatly appreciate. I have a new, younger student in this set of classes, Said Hilal. That's right, you've guessed it, he is, in fact, the younger brother to Said Jalal and Said Bilal. Simply fascinating. Where do they come up with such diverse names for their kids? (In case you haven't noticed, Jalal is the first half of Jalalabad, where they all live, which he told me he was named after.)


Izat Ullah

Izat Ullah



They then got to learn about still life photographs, and why they're important to understanding why photographers need to pay attention to the things that they do when taking pictures. I'm scared to see what they come back with. Not because I think they're all bad photographers, but because a couple of them asked me some pretty iffy questions, implying that Hidayat and Said Jalal may or may not have added in their own extra pizzazz to teaching still life.

Even worse results with class number two. By results, I mean numbers.



Roohid Ullah

I noticed that what basically all of the kids did to take pictures of a sunset or sunrise, was to take a picture of the sun. They made the sun as big as possible, way too early, before it was close enough to the horizon to dim down a bit and cause the awesome colors. They also centered the sun directly in the center. And took out all other aspects of the scenery by pointing the cameras too high, so I ended up with nothing but a blue-ish sky with a bright ball of brightness directly in the center. The Horror, The Horror.

All Rights Reserved by photographers, 2010, for all photos. Please contact for individual rights.

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