Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 18/19- The Beginning/The Other End...

Today marks the day of the first class of the second set of classes. Because once I leave, Said Jilal (apparently Said Bilal from my first class is his brother... someone was going for creativity points) and Hidayat will be taking over teaching the course at the Lab, I'm making them teach the next set of students. I planned on sitting in the classes with them to help them along, explain something if they forgot or didn't know what something was, etc etc. Nothing ever goes according to plan...

For the first class, Hidayat was teaching while Said Jilal, Hameed, Rahmat, and myself were in the other room discussing FabFi's. Things between them are still a little bit less than ideal. Problem solved now, inshallah. For the next class, somehow all of our battery charges have broken, so while Said Jilal was teaching me and Hidayat were out searching the town for some chargers. Nishta. According to them their classes went just fine, I think 8 in the first and 7 in the second. I also may have just completely made that up because that's what it was for the last set of classes. But I know neither had the full 10 that Said Jilal had signed up for the classes.

The next day, I met with the girls to give them their certificates and portfolio photos. I also wanted to take note of everyone that would be taking a camera and memory card to teach another female student. All 10! Hurray! But, go figure, Said Jilal and Hidayat took all the batteries out of the cameras when the batteries went dead in the cameras of the classes they started teaching. So... we scheduled one more meeting date, in a few days, and I'd give them all batteries (hopefully back ups too if Amy's box gets in), and CD's with all of their pictures they took on them. And the portfolio for the two girls who just gave me their pictures because they couldn't make the first last class.

So the classes just started/ended... no new pictures to put up just yet. What I will do in the next few days though is post each students 10 portrait photos, once I'm all done organizing and collecting all of their photos...

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